Constant Permeke (DU)
Constant Permeke (EN)
Constant Permeke (FR)
New Babylon – Aan ons de vrijheid
Cobra – Een picturale en poëtische revolutie
Cobra – A Pictorial and Poetic Revolution
Das Phantom der Malerei / The Phantom of Painting
Das Phantom der Malerei / The Phantom of Painting (EN, signed copy)
Louis Thevenet - Een leven in kleur
Box with 'Eiland' + 'Zeeland' (DU-EN-GE, limited edition with print (24 x 30 cm), 25 numbered copies with signed certificate)
KMSKA – Le Musée Merveilleux
Louis Thevenet – La couleur redéfinie
Cindy Sherman – Anti-Fashion
Frequently the woods are pink – Hedendaagsekunstcollecties in Zuid-West-Vlaanderen
Vlaams expressionisme – Heerlijke herinneringen
James Ensor – Wildest Dreams
Atelier (EN, signed copy)
Atelier (EN)
Colored Pencil Drawings
Jean Brusselmans
Atelier (DU, signed copy)
Atelier (DU)
Present (Dutch edition)
Present (English edition)