An exceptional love letter to Zeeland
In this masterful book, photographer Jeroen Hofman revisits his childhood memories. Through his inimitable style, he manages to capture the raw beauty of Zeeland: vast nature reserves, wide empty beaches and the constant change wrought by the tides. Looking at these pictures almost makes the salt on the sea air and the scent of clay become tangible. This is the ultimate homage to the place where Hofman’s love for Zeeland began.
With a contribution from Franca Treur, author and journalist for NRC Handelsblad, a foreword by Jeroen Hofman and a conversation between architect and urban planner Henk Hartzema and historical geographer Aad de Klerk.
From October 26 to December 7, 2024, there will be a solo exhibition by Jeroen Hofman at Galerie Wouter van Leeuwen in Amsterdam.
- 26,5 x 35 cm
- 160 pages
- Hardcover
- Trilingual edition Dutch-English-German
- Quadrichromy
- ISBN 978 94 6494 154 8
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